2019/20 Year in Review Video

ÉRE 2019-20 Year in Review Video!
The year ended differently than planned, but looking back over the year, it was one to remember positively for so many reasons: Terry Fox Run, Orange Shirt Day, Grandparents' Day, Sigmund Brouwer, Remembrance Assembly, 35 Years of Club Moo, Alberta Music Theatre, Christmas Concert, Pink Shirt Day, the Fish in Schools program, and amazing class projects and lessons. We seriously loved the progress our students were making through term 1&2, and then super impressed with the resiliency and perseverance of everyone during term 3 to keep the learning going.
Thank you for being a part of the ÉRE Family this year. We are hopeful for a near normal return in the fall with firm direction expected from Alberta Education by August 1. Assuming all things are go, our Welcome Back Open House will be Thursday, August 27, 1-3 pm, and the first day of school will be August 31, 2020.
From everyone at ÉRE, have a wonderful summer break!