ÉRE Mid-December 2023 Newsletter

Hello ERE Families,
As we near the end of December, it is a great time to reflect on a brilliant start to the school year. We started the school year with a kick-off assembly with Frisbee Rob, and finish out with an outstanding Christmas Concert. The concert was a great representation of our entire year. . . a lot of really caring people working together to create something spectacular.
Please see the Mid-December Newsletter 2023.
In this issue:
- Christmas Concert Video
- January Hot Lunch Orders Due Dec 20
- Grandparent Talent Show & December Assembly, Dec 22, 2:00 pm
- Pajama Day, Dec 22
- School Council Family Movie Night, Jan 26
- Crosswalks Update
- Holiday Cookie Final Total!
- Principal's Message
Most importantly, we hope your family is well this holiday season. Thank you for being a part of the ERE Family.
Merry Christmas,
Tim Bowman