ÉRE Remembers

On November 8, the students and staff paused to Remember.
Leading our assembly was grade 5 students Genie and Colton.
The assembly started with the marching in of the flags. In our Honour Guard was Legion members Reverend Richard Lemmon and Sharon Maxwell, Peace Officer Kayla Whissell, and student MacKenna who marched in the Canada flag.
Grade 4 student Angus led the school in the singing of O Canada in English and French.
Under the direction of music teacher Sharlene McLaughlin, the twenty-five member student choir sang "A Wish for Peace", followed by the presentation of class wreaths.
The grade 4/5 leadership students presented a shadow play depicting life before, during, and after World War II.
Celyn Magnus, a parent of a grade 1 french immersion student, was brilliant in her playing of Last Post on the trumpet before the school observed a moment of silence.
To finish out the assembly, the entire school sang a song of thanks called "Thank You Solider".