We are now accepting registrations for our 2021/22 Kindergarten and Grade 1 French Immersion programs!
Your child could be bilingual!
Our program was established in 1986 - 35 years of French Immersion in Rocky Mountain House!
The program is designed for students with English speaking parents
ÉRE has fully bilingual teachers and a Language Learning Assistant to provide expert instruction
There are no additional costs for immersion learning
Learning a second language is natural for early learners
French Immersion follows the same program of studies as English learning students
French Immersion students also learn a mastery of English
Research indicates students in French Immersion are more flexible thinkers, have superior listening skills, enhanced creativity and problem solving abilities, and increased career opportunities
There is an active Canadian Parents for French (CPF) chapter in Rocky supporting parents and providing cultural experiences
If you would like to know more about the French Immersion program at École Rocky Elementary, please contact the school by phone (403) 845-3541, e-mail: rockyelem@wrsd.ca
From one of our French Immersion teachers:
French Immersion means:
parents do NOT need to know French for their child to flourish in the program-students will have an enhanced ability to communicate in their first language
students will more easily be able to acquire other languages
no addition costs-a sense community for students and parents
an increase in students’ abilities to understand complex and abstract concepts
a multitude of opportunities for students now and later in life, for example: academic, cultural and career options
the teacher will support you with any questions or concerns no matter what!