K-5 Christmas Concert Ticket Request 2019

Ticket Requests are now closed. The afternoon concert is SOLD OUT. There are a limited number of morning tickets still available - please request directly with the school office. Tickets were sent home with students on Dec 4.
Christmas Concert Ticket Request Letter
The students of École Rocky Elementary invite you to attend our K-5 Christmas Concert featuring every student of the school on Tuesday, December 17. We will present the concert twice with a 10:30 am and 1:30 pm showing.
To ensure every family has the opportunity to attend the production, while observing the occupancy limits of our gym, admission to the concert will be by ticket. We have reserved two free tickets for every family. These free tickets can be claimed prior to December 3. Additional free tickets can be requested and will be distributed on a first requested, first served manner. Tickets will be sent home with students on December 4. Please return the ticket request form below to your classroom teacher or enter your ticket request online at:
If you are unable to attend the Christmas Concert this year, you can consider joining us for the dress rehearsal on December 13 at 11:30 am or you can view the Concert Video that will be available on our school website a few days after the concert.