WRSD announces ÉRE Teacher as Edwin Parr Nominee

Wild Rose School Division is excited to announce Lauren Bolton as the WRSD representative for the Zone 4 Edwin Parr Award which is handed out on a yearly basis to first-year teachers who show exemplary dedication and commitment to the education of their students. Ms. Bolton is currently teaching grade one French Immersion at École Rocky Elementary in Rocky Mountain House.
Ms. Bolton graduated from the University of Alberta through the Red Deer College Middle Years Program with a Bachelor of Education Elementary Generalist in 2019. "I am honoured that my administration considered nominating me. They are individuals that I hold to a very high esteem, and I am honoured they perceive me this way as well. In terms of being the recipient of the Edwin Parr Award for Wild Rose School Division,” Ms. Bolton says “so far, my first year of teaching has been one of the best adventures I have ever been on. I have learned what it means to be completely new at something, just like the brilliant French Immersion first graders that I have had the privilege of learning with each day. Together we have focused on growing our passion for learning, desire to be better and ability to build each other up.” She added “Coming back to École Rocky Elementary School [Lauren attended ERE as a student!] means that I am once again a part of our beautiful school community, where everyone is encouraged to be kind, support each other and take risks; because of that, we have all been able to succeed. Thank you again for this amazing opportunity."
Dave Elwood, WRSD Director of Human Resources says “There was some stiff competition in Wild Rose this year with a nomination list of 7 fantastic first year teachers from the communities of Breton, Caroline, Drayton Valley and Rocky. Lauren eventually emerged as our nomination process evolved as she not only excels at all of the Teacher Quality Standards, she brings enthusiasm and passion to every lesson. Lauren also displayed a special knack for problem solving rarely demonstrated by most first year teachers.” École Rocky Elementary Principal, Tim Bowman says "We are extremely proud that Mlle. Bolton has returned to teach in the French Immersion program she started in as a child. To see her have exceptional success in her first year of teaching is a credit to Mlle. Bolton's dedicated work ethic and her deep commitment to see every child succeed. Bravo!"
Unfortunately the recognition evening that is traditionally held for all nominees from each division has been postponed this year, but there will still be a zone winner selected from all the nominees. Zone 4 is made up of eight school divisions: Battle River, Chinook’s Edge, Red Deer Catholic Regional, Red Deer Public, Wetaskiwin Regional, Wild Rose and Wolf Creek.
The award is named after Edwin Parr, who served as the Board Chair of the Athabasca school division, and as the president of the Alberta School Trustees’ Association (now the Alberta School Board Association) from 1956 until 1962. When he passed away in 1963, the association established an annual honour in his name the following year.