ÉRE Book Fair Nov 24-26

The ÉRE Book Fair is coming soon! Nov 24, 25, and 26.
Students will visit the Book Fair during class time and can purchase books during that visit.
We will run a Virtual Book Fair at the same time as our in-school fair. The link will be open on November 24 https://bookfairs-canada.myshopify.com/pages/5137926
Look for the Classroom Wish List display for parents interested in helping us build classroom libraries.
Book Fair Times & Dates
Tuesday Nov. 24 (9-2:30)
Wed. Nov. 25 (9-1:30)
Thurs. Nov. 26 (9-1:30)
We accept cash, cheques made payable to our ERE. Debit/Credit Machine will be available.