School Health Update, Oct 4, 2021

Oct 4, 2021
Hello ÉRE Families,
We hovered around the 10% confirmed illness last week so our Respiratory Illness Outbreak status was not lifted. It will be reviewed again mid-week. (Oct 4 is encouraging at 5% confirmed ill) Alberta Health indicated the plateaued nature of our numbers is an encouraging sign and that we should see a return to more historical numbers soon.
We also met with the Health Inspector who toured through the school. He did not suggest any major adjustments to the health layers we currently have employed.
Overall, the school is a healthy bubble thanks to families staying home when they have illness symptoms, enhanced cleaning of touch points, masking, distancing, cohorting, and the many other health layers we currently have in place. We are hearing of elevated cases of COVID and common colds in the community and wish everyone back to good health in short order.
At anytime, if you need additional information or need help receiving supplies during an isolation, please reach out (403) 845-3541 or e-mail:
All my best,
- Tim Bowman
Sept 22, 2021
Hello ÉRE Families,
It was really great to see our school outside running the Terry Fox Run Wednesday afternoon. I am so proud of the school for making the effort to move around the field and keep the dream that Terry started alive.
I have a short update regarding our school health.
Last week I shared that Alberta Health was monitoring our school as we had reported 10% confirmed illness within our school starting on September 13. Today was the first day we improved to below 10% confirmed ill which is hopefully the start of a good trend.
We do continue to see and hear about elevated cases of illness in the Rocky Mountain House region at this time so we encourage all of our families to do the things that reduce your risk:
1) Complete a Daily Health Screen (Updated as of Sept 20)
2) Reduce the number of people you see indoors during a week
3) Distance, sanitize, and mask as additional health layers
We recognize that the response to COVID19 remains fluid and with regular changing requirements. We also recognize this is affecting each family differently. Please check in with the school if we can help in any of your decision-making. We won't try to change your mind, but we will attempt to give you every bit of information that is helpful.
As always, stay healthy and kind!
- Tim
Sept 16, 2021
Hello ÉRE Families,
It is your principal Mr. Bowman. I have some updates about School Health and a beautiful story that happened today starting at 3:24.
A letter from Alberta Health was sent to all ÉRE Families today regarding a Respiratory Illness Outbreak.
I want to thank all families for doing the right thing, conducting a health self screen each day, and isolating if you have illness symptoms. This small act is helping our community get healthier faster and is ensuring our school remains a healthy bubble.
Stay healthy and kind!
- Mr. Bowman
PS. . . ÉRE Families, if you did not receive this information in your e-mail, please check your spam mail folder and/or update your contact information at the school